Community Solutions Program Application Information (IREX- Internship)

The Community Solutions Program (CSP)

Traveling to America for free through a fully funded program is available for a significant number of Arab countries. This program offers a four-month training to acquire leadership skills and work on solving societal issues. The opportunity to travel to America is an aspiration for many individuals, but the travel procedures and obtaining a visa are the main obstacles.

The Community Solutions Program (CSP) is an intensive year-long initiative designed for experienced community leaders dedicated to enhancing their communities. It focuses on addressing challenges related to democracy and human rights, environmental issues, peace and conflict resolution, and women's rights. CSP comprises a four-month immersive U.S. practical experience, individualized leadership coaching, and specialized training via a graduate-level leadership curriculum. Following this, participants embark on a six-month community project in their home country. Further information is provided below!

Details of the Opportunity to Travel to the United States for Free

Program Overview:

  • Four-month fellowship in the United States of America.
  • Online training sessions to develop leadership and management skills and build a professional network.
  • Engagement in a community service project.

Type: Training
Duration: One year, including four months in the United States.
Funding: Fully funded
Official Grant Name: Community Solutions Program Application Information
Funded by: IREX
Study Location: Online/United States
Targeted Countries: Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Palestine.
Eligible Disciplines: All disciplines are welcome to apply.

Benefits Offered by This Program for Traveling to America:

  • Full Funding: The program covers all expenses.
  • Visa Fees: Visa fees are included.
  • Airfare: Round-trip flight tickets are provided.
  • Monthly Stipend: A monthly stipend is offered to cover housing, meals, and living expenses.
  • Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance is provided.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants have the chance to build a professional network.
  • Skill Development: Acquire various skills through specialized training.
  • Community Project: Work on a project idea that can be implemented.
  • Integration with Experts: Collaborate and engage with experts in the field.

Requirements for Travel and Application for the United States:

  • Age: Between 26-39 years old.
  • Citizenship: Citizen of one of the countries specified in the grant.
  • Residency: Living and working in your home country. (Exception is made for refugees.)
  • Experience: Two years of experience in community work or volunteering.
  • Current Programs: Not currently participating in any program in the United States.
  • English Proficiency: Strong English language proficiency. (You will be required to provide proof such as TOEFL or IELTS scores or take an exam later.)
  • Travel Availability: Available to travel to the United States for four months starting from August to December 2024.
  • Residency Status: Not a permanent resident of the United States or have not applied for residency in the last three years.
  • Visa Eligibility: Eligible for a J-1 visa.
  • Commitment: Commitment to return to the home country for two years after the program ends.
  • Applications can be submitted directly through the link below. Please ensure that all information is filled out in English.

شارك الفرصة



اخر موعد للتقديم: 2024-08-17
اخر موعد للتقديم: 2024-12-01
اخر موعد للتقديم: 2024-07-31
اخر موعد للتقديم: 2024-07-24
اخر موعد للتقديم: 2024-08-08

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Fund type
Fully Funded
Online / USA

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