Get ready for your IELTS exam by using our complimentary practice tests and answers. Utilize these tests to conduct timed practice sessions and refine your test-taking skills. We highly recommend that test takers prepare for IELTS by taking advantage of our free practice tests. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the test format, become accustomed to the types of tasks you will be required to perform, simulate timed testing conditions, and evaluate your responses by comparing them with model answers. Keep in mind that the Listening, Reading, and Writing tests are administered consecutively on the same day without breaks. Therefore, it is crucial to practice under comparable conditions. During the tests, be aware that each test is presented on multiple web pages. Ensure that you answer all the questions and complete each task on each page in the correct sequence.

Free online IELTS Listening practice tests

The IELTS Listening assessment will take approximately 30 minutes, followed by an additional 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. This practice Listening test is composed of four parts, presented on four different web pages. To achieve maximum realism in your practice, ensure that you move efficiently from one page to the next. Before beginning the test, download the question paper and blank answer sheet, and use a pencil to record your responses on the question paper as you listen. Pay close attention to the instructions for each section of the test, and answer all 40 questions, each of which is worth one mark.

Free online IELTS Reading practice tests

You will be allowed 1 hour to complete all 3 sections of the IELTS Academic or General Reading test. Prepare with our free materials.

Free online IELTS Writing practice tests

You will be allowed 1 hour to complete two tasks in the IELTS Academic Writing test. Prepare with our free materials.

Free online IELTS Speaking practice tests

In the Speaking test, you will have a discussion with a certified examiner. It will be interactive and as close to a real-life situation as a test can get. The Speaking test is 11-14 minutes long and is in three parts. 

Part 1 – You will answer questions about yourself and your family.

Part 2 – You will speak about a topic.

Part 3 – You will have a longer discussion about the topic introduced in Part 2.

The Speaking test is the same for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests.

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