Scholarships to Study in Switzerland | Fully Funded (Swiss Government)

scholarships to study in switzerland

Scholarships to Study in Switzerland are open now to study at the best universities in the world in swiss for all disciplines.

scholarships to study in switzerland

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Scholarships to Study in Switzerland ( Overall)

The Swiss government offers Scholarships to Study in Switzerland of studying in Switzerland for free to those seeking doctoral scholarships, postdoctoral grants, or research fellowships in a wide range of fields. This includes studying at the top Swiss universities, institutes of technology, applied sciences, as well as art and music schools. The application for these Swiss scholarships, which are fully funded, is done by submitting all the required documents to the Swiss embassy in your country.

Are you a student with aspirations to study in Switzerland, one of the most picturesque and academically renowned countries in the world? Switzerland is not only famous for its stunning landscapes, but it also boasts a world-class education system that attracts students from all corners of the globe. However, pursuing higher education in Switzerland can come with a hefty price tag. The good news is that there are numerous scholarships available to help you fulfill your dream of studying in this enchanting alpine nation. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various scholarships to study in Switzerland, ensuring that financial constraints do not stand in the way of your academic journey, and you can read also about new zelan phd scholarships for international students .

تفاصيل المنحة:

Details Scholarships to Study in Switzerland

Degree Types: Research Fellowships, PhD, Postdoctoral

Funding: Fully Funded


Egyptians, Algerians, Iraqis, Bahrainis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis, Lebanese, Libyans, Omanis, Palestinians, Saudis, Sudanese, Syrians, Tunisians, Yemenis

Specializations: Applications are open for all fields of study

Types of Scholarships Available for Studying in Switzerland through the Swiss Government Scholarship

Research Fellowships:

Lasting for 12 months from September 2024 to August 2025, and will not be granted for stays shorter than 9 months.

PhD Scholarships:

Can range from one academic year to three years, starting in September 2024.

Postdoctoral Scholarships:

Lasting for 12 months from September 2024 to August 2025.

Arts Scholarships:

Master's level scholarships lasting from 12 to 21 months, starting in September 2024.

Swiss Universities Available for Study

Research Fellowships, PhD, Postdoctoral

  • University of Basel
  • University of Bern
  • University of Fribourg
  • University of Geneva
  • University of Lausanne
  • University of Lucerne
  • University of Neuchâtel
  • University of St. Gallen
  • University of Zurich
  • Università della Svizzera italiana
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
  • Research Institutes of the ETH Domain (PSI; WSL; EMPA; EAWAG)
  • Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

For Research Fellowships and Postdoctoral only

  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH)
  • University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
  • Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)
  • University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR)
  • Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Universities of teacher education
  • Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM


Benefits Provided for scholarships to study in Switzerland

For Research Fellowships and PhD Scholarships:

  • Annual stipend of 23,000 Swiss Francs.
  • One-time payment of 300 Swiss Francs allowance.
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Airfare tickets.

For Postdoctoral Scholarships:

  • Annual stipend of 42,000 Swiss Francs.
  • One-time payment of 300 Swiss Francs allowance.
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Airfare tickets.

eligibility criteria:

Requirements for scholarships to study in Switzerland

For Research Fellowships:

  • Application is open for all fields of study for Master's degree holders. Must have obtained a Master's degree or its equivalent before July 31, 2024.
  • Must be born after December 31, 1988.
  • Requires a letter of supervision from a supervisor in Switzerland along with a maximum two-page CV, explaining why the applicant is prepared to supervise the research.
  • Must submit a research proposal that includes a timeline.
  • These fellowships are not available for those who already hold a Ph.D. The fellowship is for full-time study.

For PhD Scholarships:

  • Application is open for all fields of study.
  • Must have obtained a Master's degree or its equivalent before July 31, 2024. Must be born after December 31, 1988.
  • Requires a letter of supervision from a supervisor in Switzerland along with a maximum two-page CV, explaining why the applicant is prepared to supervise the research. The PhD degree can only be obtained from research universities in Switzerland.
  • Must submit a research proposal that includes a timeline. For application to a Ph.D. at the University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, an additional letter of support from a faculty member at the hosting research university where the PhD will be completed is required.
  • The PhD program is full-time. If necessary, work on the PhD from outside Switzerland is possible during your study period for up to 6 months, with costs covered.

For Postdoctoral Scholarships:

  • Application is open in all scientific fields.
  • Must have obtained a PhD after December 31, 2020 and before July 31, 2024.
  • Must not be present in Switzerland.
  • Requires a letter of supervision from a supervisor in Switzerland along with a maximum two-page CV, explaining why the applicant is prepared to supervise the research.
  • Must submit a research proposal that includes a timeline.

Arts Scholarships:

  • Application is open for all artistic fields for Master's degree.
  • The study must be full-time.
  • Must have obtained a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent before July 31, 2024. No more than three years should have passed since obtaining the degree.
  • Must be born after December 31, 1988.
  • Requires preliminary acceptance from an arts school or music institute. Arts scholarships are available only for certain European and Asian countries, not available for Arab countries.


  1. All documents must be submitted in either English, French, Italian, or German.
  2. All documents should be submitted in duplicate, one original signed copy and one copy.
  3. You can obtain the application form from here, where you fill in all the details, attach a photo, and print it.
  4. A curriculum vitae (CV) preferably in the Europass template format. This CV should include comprehensive details about education, training, diplomas, awards, conferences, publications with references, academic and non-academic positions, teaching experience, academic experiences, and links to your scientific blogs and online presentations.
  5. A motivation letter not exceeding two pages.
  6. A research proposal not exceeding 5 pages and signed.
  7. An invitation letter from the academic supervisor in Switzerland along with their CV.
  8. Two letters of recommendation from professors in the same field of study.
  9. Academic certificates.
  10. Two copies of your passport (or dual citizenship), providing a copy of each passport.
  11. A signed medical certificate.

How to Apply:

 How to apply scholarships to study in Switzerland

To apply for free study in Switzerland through the Swiss Government Scholarship, follow these steps:

  1. Open the provided link to access the application for the Swiss Government Scholarship and find the application deadline for your country.
  2. Make sure you have all the required documents prepared before the deadline.
  3. Send the documents to the address of the Swiss embassy in your country. You can find the date and postal address by searching for "date and postal address" on the website.
  4. Before sending your documents, you need to secure an academic supervisor in Switzerland for research fellowships, PhD, or postdoctoral studies. The supervisor should provide you with an invitation letter, which should be included in your application documents for studying in Switzerland. This step might take some time, so plan accordingly to find a suitable supervisor.
  5. Ensure that your chosen supervisor works in the same field as your intended study at a Swiss university.
  6. Before initiating contact with a supervisor in Switzerland, watch the provided video for guidance.
  7. Note that the application start and end dates may vary based on your country.


  • The scholarship's starting date is September 1, 2023.
  • Securing a supervisor does not guarantee your acceptance. The university to which you submit your documents must also accept you.
  • It is advisable for individuals to attempt to secure a supervisor on their own.
  • A supervisor should not oversee more than two individuals per year.
  • These scholarships cover the costs for one person only and not for an entire family.

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Fund type
Fully Funded
Research , PhD, Postdoc

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