STDF Egypt is an opportunity to receive funds for your research project of a workshop. Is open now to apply.

STDF Egypt is an opportunity to receive funds for your research project of a workshop. Is open now to apply.
The Science, Technology, and Innovation Foundation (STDF) is a collaboration opportunities between Egypt and Japan, initiated by the Japanese and Egyptian embassies, aiming to enhance higher education and scientific research. This initiative serves as a platform to foster increased collaboration in scientific research between Egypt and Japan through the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), as well as to strengthen ties between Egyptian and Japanese scientists , and you can read also Financial Aid is Available to Students | $1000.
The Science, Technology, and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) is considered one of the most important institutions contributing to the development of scientific research and technology in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The authority was established with the aim of enhancing collaboration between the academic and industrial sectors, as well as providing the necessary funding to support research and innovative projects that contribute to the country's progress and prosperity. In this article, we will explore the role of the STDF in supporting technology and innovation in Egypt by highlighting its most significant programs and initiatives.
Program: STDF Research Grants for Researchers
There is support available for research projects as well as support for attending workshops and seminars.
Duration: The duration of workshops or seminars should not exceed one week.
Duration for research projects: Funding will be provided for up to two years.
Eligible Nationalities: Egyptians, Japanese
For Workshops and Seminars:
Funding provided by STDF for Research Projects:
Eligibility for funding
The proposal for the workshop, seminar, or research project should include a set of information. You will find all the details about it upon downloading the file from the homepage below.
Each of the Egyptian side and the Japanese side, intending to hold a seminar, should submit online 2 identical seminar proposals to STDF and JSPS, respectively.
Seminars will be evaluated by STDF based on the following criteria:
Submitted proposals will be evaluated by STDF Egypt based on the following criteria: